Online Clinical and Drug Information Resource Portal for Pharmacists & Doctors

Welcome to ResourceClinical

ResourceClinical is an online resource portal directory containing clinical pharmacy, clinical medicine and drug information links for the busy physician, pharmacist and other healthcare professionals.

As part of our jobs we constantly require answers to our clinical or prescribing related questions. We also need to keep up to date with current clinical guidelines and practices and fulfil CME (continuing medical education) / CE (continuing education) / CPD (continuing professional development) requirements. In order to achieve this, we may look to the internet as a source of information. However, keeping track of all the useful clinical pharmacy, clinical medicine or drug information links out there is difficult and you do not always find what you were searching for. At other times these links are quite far down in the search results which means having to crawl through many pages. With this in mind, ResourceClinical has compiled an extensive directory containing links to useful clinical and prescribing resources for physicians and pharmacists and can be found from one reference point, ‘ResourceClinical.’

Links to clinical or prescribing resources are organised under the relevant categories listed below. We are continually updating our clinical and prescribing resources database, so please visit us regularly.

Update 22/08/2019

Dear Visitor,

We’ve moved! All new content is now being published on our new website “KnowledgeDose”.

You will find that some of the pages found on this website are automatically being redirected to These pages which are listed below have been updated and can be accessed by clicking on the relevant category.

Adverse Drug Reactions & Drug Side Effects

Crushing Tablets & Drug Administration via Enteral Feeding Tubes

Drug Allergy & Cross-Reactivity

Drug Interactions

Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Equivalent Dose & Drug Conversions / Transfers / Switching

Interpreting Lab, Medical & Clinical Tests

Medical Calculators

Palliative Care

Parenteral Drug Therapy

Stability of Drugs in Compliance Aids

All other pages shown below will not move to KnowledgeDose, but will remain accessible via this website until further notice. However, they will no longer be updated.


Clinical Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics

Complementary and Alternative Medicine



Food Allergies & Food Intolerance

Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Generic Drugs, Brand Prescribing & Biosimiliars

Gynaecology / Gynecology

Haematology / Hematology

Immunisation / Immunization & Vaccines






Rheumatology & Orthopaedics / Orthopedics

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) incl HIV/AIDS

Smoking Cessation

Substance Misuse


ResourceClinical is regularly updated and there are over 2000 clinical pharmacy, clinical medicine and drug information links
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